Thursday, 26 March 2015

The BBC must go

The BBC must go

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Jeremy Clarkson is a top rung professional journalist, he is an excellent entertainer and he is very driven and hard working. Which is why Top Gear is the most successful factual TV programme in the world, with 350 million viewers and sold to 214 countries, and why it makes the BBC many tens of millions of pounds every year.
If the star player of a Premier League soccer club had a small fracas with a member of the back room staff then that club would not announce they were withdrawing from the league for the rest of the season. In fact we would probably never even hear about it. Yet the BBC seem to be unable to manage a very similar situation. But then the BBC are funded by the taxpayer, so they are very happy to throw money away. And it could end up being a lot of money because the BBC are now in breach of contract with all those overseas broadcasters.
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Then there is the “slope” incident. We all say things that we would not want to see broadcast on air. That we got to hear the “slope” episode is the fault of the BBC editors who left it in, which is the fault of the BBC producers and thus the BBC management.
You can see a pattern emerging here. Either the BBC management aren’t very good or they are after Clarkson. Or maybe both. They don’t have to answer to shareholders or investors and can act in an utterly cavalier manner with no concern for the taxpayer who funds them. But the taxpayer knows this, which is why the Clarkson petition shot to over 700,000 signatures so quickly.
It is not just Clarkson. The BBC knew about the child abuse that was happening on its premises, perpetrated by its employees, for decades. Stuart Hall, Jimmy Savile and many more. When Meirion Jones tried to report this on Newsnight the BBC went for Stalinist suppression, instead of acting as the news provider it is supposed to be. For all of these appalling events the BBC would have been broken up had it been a private company.
Savile Liverpool 650
The BBC have unbelievable power. There is something called “news reach”, which looks at all the media through which we receive our news: TV, Radio, Newspapers, internet, etc. The BBC have around half of the total UK news reach. This is a near monopoly and would be illegal for any private company to have. Hypocritically the BBC are constantly complaining about Murdoch, yet he has only about 20% news reach and doesn’t have full editorial control over a lot of that.
And it is not just the news. The BBC grew as the propaganda arm of the Post War Consensus. Their task was to brainwash us for Attlee’s false utopia. They called it “public service broadcasting” and they are still at it today. The soap operas are full of it, the BBC use them as vehicles to shape their view on society. They are crammed with political correctness. An unfeasable number of the female cast of the Archers run their own businesses with diligence and care and the vicar’s wife is a Hindu. Whist the male entrepreneurs are portrayed as improbable pantomime villains. Matt Crawford, Cameron Fraser, Justin Elliot, Martyn Gibson and so on. All the BBC soaps are the same. It is all propaganda.
BBC 1 Biased Bulshit Corporation 650
Then there is “comedy”. The BBC version is to get a rabid leftie to make snide remarks about the “Tories”. Marcus Brigstocke, Jeremy Hardy, Sandi Toksvig, Hugh Dennis, Rory Bremner, Phill Jupitus, Jo Brand and so many more. Totally unlike when we had comedy that was actually funny. And non political. Morcambe and Wise, Porridge, Only Fools and Horses, Dad’s Army, The Two Ronnies etc. The repeats of these are far better entertainment than any new comedy produced by the BBC.
So basically you can’t turn the BBC on without being brainwashed. Unless it is the sport or Top Gear.
The BBC propaganda is subtle. They don’t overtly support or rubbish one view or another (except for the rabid “comedians”). Instead they portray their political viewpoint as bein the best in their fiction programmes (plays, drama, soaps etc). On the news they minimise or omit what they don’t like whilst giving emphasis and slant to stories that support their message. It is constant and all pervasive. Everyone in Britain has been brainwashed.
BBC what we want you to think 650
The BBC don’t support one political party. They are far too big and far too powerful for that. Instead they have their own agenda. This is dominated by liberal Oxbridge graduates who have never worked in the real world. They love the state and statism. They hate the private sector, commercial success, wealth and its generation, independent thought, true free speech and especially the banks, who they blame for everything. The BBC are the main drivers of the evils of political correctness, feminismmulticulturalism and diversity in the UK. The still seek to promote all the facets of the Post War Consensus. Their house journal is The Guardian. And they work to have a Labour government because it is more closely aligned to their distorted world view.
BBC Guardian 650
It is ridiculous that a modern democracy like ours has a state owned broadcaster, it puts us alongside Cuba and North Korea.
Then there is BBC funding. This takes the form of a hypothecated tax called the license fee. This was based not on the consumption of media but on a blanket fee for real time terrestrial broadcasting. But technology has moved on. Now we can get our programmes by satellite, cable or internet. We can catch up any time we want and we can view content from around the world. It is utterly outrageous that to watch Sky Arts I have to pay both Rupert Murdoch and the BBC. The license fee is a very long time past its sell by date.
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Even worse is that the license fee is one of the few bills in life that is enforced by criminal law. The BBC regularly put people in prison for not paying it. This is utterly immoral and totally unacceptable.
I could go on. The BBC is so unremittingly awful. And we really do need to fix it, let’s hope that this Clarkson episode has focused people’s minds.
The BBC needs to be broken up into small parts and then those parts need to be sold off. The state must get out of the broadcast business. No one person or organisation must be allowed to have more than 10% of the total UK news reach, so Murdoch needs pruning as well. We need a highly diverse media freely reflecting a very wide range of views, from Cornish Nationalism, to Druidism to the carnivorous lifestyle.
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