Political correctness is for idiots
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Political Correctness is when someone thinks that their view on a topic is the correct one and that you are wrong. So they try and force their view using a spurious moral argument. Often using words ending in -ism and -ist. By this means they impose their views on the world. The BBC is full of this. But political correctness is itself morally wrong, it takes away our freedom of speech. And its proponents (who are virtually all of the left) seek to take away our freedom to think. They have made many politically correct laws that make it a criminal offence to exercise our basic rights. And they continually seek to further restrict our freedoms. They are the enemy.
Cultural Marxism is the sweeping away of all our traditions, our individuality, our freedoms and our rights. To be replaced by a dystopian future where we are all uniform and we all conform. This is a fundamental precept of socialism. It is what they seek to do to Great Britain and the BBC is one of their tools.
Multiculturalism. This is the institutionalisation of cultural diversity. So foreigners who come to Great Britain are actively encouraged and even forced not to become British. Not to integrate. This is the ghettoisation of our society and will always lead to friction. As we see in the largely racial riots that feature so regularly on our news. Under multiculturalism people are defined in every way by their ethnic background and official policy is predicated upon this.
Diversity seeks to differentiate and label us according to ethnic background, age, gender, socioeconomic background etc. Having done that it seeks equality of outcome for each differentiated group. Not equality of opportunity. So the BBC has to have its quota of old, homosexual, black etc presenters to show us how wonderful they are about promoting diversity. Choosing the best person for the job doesn’t come into it. Here is the BBC’s prattle on diversity. George Orwell could have written it as an addendum to 1984.
As I pointed out in an earlier article the application of policies of multiculturalism and diversity were major contributors to the industrial scale child sex abuse by Pakistanis committed in Rotherham and other town and cities. The left should be utterly ashamed at what they caused.
Taking Offence is a mechanic by which people try to force their views on someone else. Notice that offence is never given it is always taken. Anyone who takes offence is an intellectual lightweight. They have no cogent argument to support their own views so they try to enforce them by a form of bullying instead. Social media websites like Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter all really need an algorithm that automatically deletes the entire account of anyone who “takes offence”. Taking offence as a mechanic is often an alternative in people to having a sense of humour.