Femism memes
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The general election is a bit tedious just now. So here is some fun to brighten your day
Equality of opportunity should be a cornerstone of our society. That anyone and everyone must be capable of rising in society to the limits of their abilities. There is a global movement that supports and encourages such equality and it is called humanism. Anyone who is an activist for equality should be a humanist, it is intellectually coherent and prefers critical thinking and evidence (rationalism, empiricism) over established doctrine or faith (fideism).
Equality of outcome, as in Labour party all female shortlists, is pure evil. It involves positive discrimination against individual people or groups of people. Every moral person should be fighting against this at every opportunity.
Feminism is a joke. It is Marxist misandry, intellectually impoverished and self centred. They are more concerned with defeating the patriarchy by growing and dying their armpit hair than they are with addressing the problem of their millions of sisters who suffer genital mutilation. They are pathetic, which makes them a great butt for all sorts of humour.
Before we get to the fun it is worth reading my earlier articlesFeminism is an utter joke and Political correctness is for idiots (click highlighted text to see article).
OK. Let’s go:
Enough for one post! There are plenty more, so it is a subject well worth revisiting.