Sunday, 26 April 2015

Some useful truths for politics

Some useful truths for politics

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Great minds 650
From avidly studying politics all my life and from writing these blogs I have learned many truths. Here is a distillation of a few of them:
  • Capitalism pays for all the other -isms
  • Socialism always leads to fiscal incontinence as it tries to make an unworkable dogma work
  • Everything that the state does it does badly. So the less state the better
  • Capitalism is the business of competing for customers and looking after them. The state cannot do this
  • Envy is a nasty and bitter emotion. Socialism is the politics of envy
  • The left always seek to punish success and reward failure. The results are obvious
  • Every single penny that the state ever spend is yours
  • Cronyism, vested interests and corporatism are not capitalism. They are its enemy just as socialism is
  • Individual people can spend the money that they have earned far better themselves than the state can do it for them
  • Lefties always personally attack their opponents because they have no valid explanation for their own policies and mantra
  • The only way to help the world’s poor is with trade, markets and capitalism
  • There is an infinite demand for anything that the state provides for “free”
  • When presented with finite resources capitalism can always create more of what its customers want

Saturday, 25 April 2015

How Labour trashed the NHS

How Labour trashed the NHS

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I have written before on here about how the NHS is ONLY safe with the Conservatives, an article that drills down to the facts and exposes the Labour lies (click highlighted text to open article). Now lets look at how Labour trashed the NHS. Repeatedly.
Sandy Lane 650
My sister was a GP. She built up and ran one of the biggest GP practices in Britain, Sandy Lane Surgery in Preston, Lancashire. The 1980 Black Report and 1987 Whitehead Report revealed huge failings in the NHS. The Conservatives worked to rectify this with the 1990 NHS and Community Care Act whereby an internal market was introduced, which means health authorities manage their own budgets. Then in 1991 the first NHS Trusts were established to make the service more responsive to the user at a local level. My sister loved this, she said she could get far more treatment for her patients for a given amount of money and that it was starting to make the NHS a lot more efficient.
Then Labour won the 1997 General Election and an unreformed leftist dinosaur, Frank Dobson, was put in charge. He immediately got rid of the internal market, because it was against his dogma. And replaced it with nothing. Unsurprisingly the NHS became a disaster, all the metrics used to measure its performance went in the wrong direction and the newspapers were full of the inevitable horror stories. Eventually Tony Blair couldn’t stand the bad publicity, it would have cost him an election. So at the end of 1999 Dobson was moved to the political backwater of the London Mayor election, which he lost with just 13% of the vote. After which he was cast into political oblivion. His trashing of the NHS had cost Labour dear.
NHS spending 650
NHS managers 650
Frank Dobson was replaced by Alan Milburn, who had a huge task on his hands getting the NHS working again before the election. He did this by restoring some elements of the internal market, recruiting very large numbers of managers, implementing a whole system of “targets” and throwing lots of money at trying to fix the most egregious problems. If anything he made things even worse. The whole of the NHS became an organisation whose purpose was to achieve targets (and to look after the trade unions), patient care was no longer the priority. This led, ultimately, to lots of patients being killed in trusts such as Mid Staffs and Morecambe Bay. The huge spending was one of the factors that led Gordon Brown to give up on his “golden rule”, to borrow whilst the economy was booming, and to ultimately trash the UK economy.
Mid-Staffordshire-in-numbers-Infographic 650

You would think that these disasters would shame any government, but no. Labour continued to trash the NHS in new ways.
NHS A&E 650

nhs-gp-pay-comparison 650
Labour negotiated a new contract with GPs in 2004, when John Reid was health secretary. This was such a giveaway to GPs that they were stunned by its generosity. It took their average salary to more than £100,000 and removed their obligation to provide out of hours care. Labour just hadn’t thought it through. The population of Britain could no longer use their GPs outside of office hours, so they had to go to A&E instead. The hospitals were flooded and couldn’t cope. And the excessive money given to GPs came out of the NHS budget, which made less money available for other care and pushed up Gordon Brown’s excessive spending again.

PFI graph 650
Then Gordon Brown discovered a great trick, he could create a big, brand new hospital without paying for it. Using something called the Private Finance Initiative (PFI). Basically this is hire purchase. So he clicked his fingers lots of times and the hospitals appeared, whether they were needed or not. The problem is that Labour are no good at all at business or economics, so they negotiated spectacularly bad deals. Laughably, pathetically bad. Look at the chart above and you can see what we are paying, up until 2048, for Brown’s idiotic profligacy. And now we have the situation where the repayments are bleeding our NHS trusts dry. Several of them have got into severe financial trouble trying to meet the PFI repayments whilst at the same time trying to afford to look after patients.
So there you have it. In 13 years Labour trashed the NHS in a major way at four least times.
  • Getting rid of the internal market and losing control of patient care.
  • Introducing targets and huge numbers of managers.
  • New GP contract removing out of hours care and costing a fortune.
  • Throwing many billions of pounds of NHS money away with the PFI.
NHS it system 650
After this you would think that voters would never trust Labour anywhere near the NHS again. But no. In 2011 the people of Wales shot themselves in their collective feet and voted for Labour to run the Welsh Assembly. And it has been a disaster. Under the Barnett Formula there is far more government money available per person in Wales than there is in England. So the Welsh NHS should be better than the English NHS. But it isn’t. It is an utter disaster, with people dying in the ambulances that are queued up outside their hospitals. Labour really cannot be allowed anywhere near looking after the health of people.

NHS A&E. #2 650
NHS Wales 650
So why are Labour such a disaster every time they get near the NHS? Firstly they have no understanding of business or economics. And the NHS is one of the biggest businesses in the world. Secondly they are driven by political dogma, everything has to be done to suit their ideology, not to look after patients. Miliband even talks about “weaponising” the NHS as he tries to make it dogma lead. The Conservatives, on the other hand, put the patients first, before any dogma. And the results can be seen in record patient satisfaction:
NHS satisfaction 650

Conservative NHS economy 650
Conservative doctors 650

Social Justice

Social Justice

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Social Justice 650
Social justice is defined as “justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society”.
Our society in the 20th century was built on large scale manufacturing, until this was largely wiped out by the actions of militant, left-wing trade unions. These industries required a large semi literate workforce, a smaller, better educated foreman class, a small, well educated technocratic class for design, engineering, finance, marketing etc and a very small management class to give strategic direction and to take commercial risks. Our education system was engineered to provide these.
Social Justice #6 500
In addition Britain has a very large number of small to medium sized businesses providing goods and services everywhere. These tend to be built upon very hard work and were handed down from generation to generation until the socialists introduced punitive death duties.
Social Justice Hayek
After WW2 Attlee created the welfare state, including unemployment benefit, which was intended to provide short term help between jobs. Gradually this became a long term alternative to work for the feckless and we ended up with millions of parasites living their lives from the effort of others.
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Also thankfully, we created entrepreneurs. People who educated themselves, worked hard, took risks and invested so as to provide goods and services to others. They also generated wealth which benefited all of society.
Socialism. Need. Greed. Compassion. 650
The left in Britain use social justice as a term for their policy of extorting money from successful people and then giving it to unsuccessful people. They seek to punish success and reward failure. As a result our government enforces a tax system that is very highly punitive on hard working successful people. And uses this money to finance a benefits system that greatly rewards the workshy. It is amazing that the left have the gall to call this social justice, because it is the exact opposite. They really have no moral compass.
Social justice bullying 650
So what, really, is social justice? It is a bitter envy of people who have been more successful. It is greed with a person wanting more than they have earned. And it is larceny where the unsuccessful seek to steal from the successful. So the lefty term “social justice” is a term to cover a combination of base emotions.
Miliband social justice 650

General Election party overview

General Election party overview

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Vote farage 650
Thursday 7 May draws closer and the BBC are doing their best to fix the election. Best to switch it off. For a far more reliable understanding just read these articles from this blog. They tell you all you need to know. (Click highlighted text to see article).
Conservative Party:
Labour Party:
Lib Dems:
Read all the above and you will be one of the best informed voters. This will enable you to do the most moral and beneficial thing both for yourself and your country.
Thatcher vote for a better life 650

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Thursday, 9 April 2015

Let our boys go and fight for ISIS

Let our boys go and fight for ISIS

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My father told me that when he was young several of his friends went to fight in the Spanish Civil War (1936 -1939) and that some of them never came back. They weren’t the only ones, there were about 40,000 people in the International Brigades with about 4,000 from the UK. George Orwell and Laurie Lee fought there. The returnees were met at Victoria Station by Stafford Cripps and Clement Attlee. These were the days before the government thought that it owned your body and mind so nobody thought it was anyone else’s business if a person went abroad to fight.
The French Foreign Legion was founded in 1831 and has always had British fighters, though our endemic national obesity and unfitness is reducing numbers in recent times. They have fought a lot in colonial wars, the two world wars and all the modern interventionist wars. And our political classes don’t give a damn.
Since the foundation of Israel Jews from Britain have gone and fought in its immoral army. Enforcing apartheid, ethnically cleansing Palestinians and engaging in terrorism against Israel’s neighbours. Once again the politicians don’t care.
British Mercenaries have always fought, all over the world, for anyone who will pay them. They played a major role in recent years in suppressing Somali piracy and have worked in Iraq and Afghanistan. There are mercenary companies, such as Control Risks (2,000? employees) and Aegis Defence Services, based in London to organise this. And our politicians aren’t bothered.
In the Middle East just now Sunnis are trying to create a new Salafist state (much like Saudi Arabia, our ally) and are carving it out by taking land from the post Ottoman Sykes Picot countries. Just like the USA took their land from the native Americans and Israel took their land from the Palestinians. They are calling it the Islamic State (formerly ISIS or ISIL) and fighters from around the world are joining the cause, much like the Spanish Civil war. Hundreds have gone from Great Britain and for some unbelievable reason the British Government has made this a criminal offence and our security services are giving them maximum harassment.
So it is OK for British people to go and fight for anyone they want anywhere in the world, so long as it is not our Muslims who go. A law that is as highly prejudiced as you can get. It is even OK to go and fight in the Middle East as long as it is against Islamic State, with Brits now fighting for the Kurds. The hypocrisy and double standards are amazing.
Some may say that we are engaging in this stupidity because the Islamic State killed hostages. But they only started doing this after we started bombing them. (James Wright Foley, 19 August 2014, bombing started 8 August 2014).
Our Government is utterly and totally out of order. Our bodies and our minds belong to us, not to them. We should have our fundamental rights and freedoms, but these have been progressively stolen from us. If any British person wants to go and fight abroad that should be their business and their business alone, unless they act against Great Britain or one of our treaty partners (EU, NATO).
I really am amazed that all our civil rights activists are not up in arms against the Government over the Islamic State fighters issue. Perhaps they too are also prejudiced against Muslims. Everyone in Britain should be worried about this, because what the Government can get away with doing to the Muslims today it can get away with doing to the rest of us later. Any removal of anyone’s rights is something that should have us very worried.
First they came for 650