Monday, 29 December 2014

The true history of the country of Palestine

 From the Bruce Everiss political blog:

The true history of the country of Palestine

Dome of the Rock. Built in Jerusalem in 691AD
Dome of the Rock. Built in Jerusalem in 691AD
The state of Israel is built on lies. These lies are perpetrated by their political leaders, incorporated into their school textbooks and repeated millions of times on the social media by their Hasbara propagandists. Most Israeli citizens and most Zionists in countries like America have no idea what the truth is.
Hasbara propaganda lies
Hasbara propaganda lies

One of the biggest lies is that the state of Israel was built out of a scrap of desert with just a few primitive “Arabs” wandering around. So they perpetrate a lie that Palestine was the invention of Yasser Arafat and the Palestine Liberation Organisation. Yet the real truth is that Palestine has existed as a discrete country for well over 2,000 years and there is plenty of evidence to prove this.
Palestine name 500BC 512
Firstly let’s deal with the lie that Palestinians are Arabs. They aren’t. Anyone who has traveled in the Middle East can tell you that. The Palestinians are a separate and very obvious race. Modern genetic sequencing has proven this. There are traces of Arab in some Palestinians from interbreeding, but the indisputable evidence is that Palestinians and Jews are the same people. It looks like the Palestinians are the Jews that stayed behind after the Jewish Roman wars (66-135 AD) and who eventually converted to Islam. Whist the rest of the Jews were scattered around the Roman Empire to form the diaspora.
For much of its history the country of Palestine has been conquered and has been a country within a bigger empire. Just as, say, Wales, is part of Great Britain. So Wales has the same head of state, the same currency and the same laws as England. Thus the country of Palestine was forced to adopt what their invaders forced on them. So there is no long list of kings or any of the other trappings of state.
Some really good documentary evidence we have of the country of Palestine are letters written by  Zenon, the  business manager of a minister to Ptolemy II  around 285 to 246 BC. This is very inconvenient indeed for modern day Zionist propagandists and is something they try and suppress in sources like Wikipedia.
Zoom forwards 350 years or so and we have the first map of the country of Palestine, made by Ptolemy around the year 100AD. Here is his World map:
Ptolemy World Map 512

And here is a transcription of his map of Palestine:
Palestine map Ptolemy AD 100 512

For many hundreds of years the country of Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire, which ran from 1299 to 1923. But this did not stop maps being made of the country. Here is one from 1570:
Paqlestine map 1570 512
This one from 1574:
Palestine map 1574 512
This from 1612:
Palestine map 1612 512
From 1767:
Palestine map 1767 512
From 1876:
Palestine map 1876 512
And with a nice picture from 1889:
Palestine map 1889 512
It is not just maps, here is a book from 1755:
Palestine book 1755 512

Another part of the Zionist myth is that they arrived at empty desert. Here is a market in Jaffa in 1827:
Palestine Market, Jaffa 1827  512
The British Victorian painter David Roberts RA made an extensive tour of Palestine in the mid 1800s and produced many works showing what it was like, you can see some of them here.
In 1917 and 1918 Palestine was liberated from the Ottoman Empire by the British. The League of Nations then gave the British a Mandate (basically a management contract) over the country of Palestine in 1923. The newly liberated country celebrated by issuing its own money, its own passports and all the other documentation of a state. Even though ultimate authority lay with the British, so there was no Palestinian head of state.
Palestine mandate 512
Palestine coin 1933 512
Palestine money 512
Palestine passport. 512
Palestine Post newspaper 512
The next phase we all know. The Zionists arrived and engaged in terrorism on a huge scale. They massacred Palestinians on a regular basis and stole their land. The “lucky” Palestinians were ethnically cleansed, forced into exile and into concentration camps. The biggest disaster ever in the history of the Palestinian nation. It was utterly destroyed by the Zionists to create Israel:
Palestine map. Big
The world allowed this to happen because the Zionists control much of the world’s media and many Western governments. It is telling that many Western leaders couldn’t bring themselves to criticism the murder of over 500 Palestinian children in Gaza recently. It is only with the invention of the internet and social media that people can at long last see the truth.