Monday, 29 December 2014

Policies Britain needs

From the Bruce Everiss political blog:

Policies Britain needs

Paradise 650
It is a good time now, as we finish the year and look forwards to an imminent general election, to take stock. I believe that the Conservatives will win the election, people will be voting for the best Prime Minister and best financial management and there really is no viable alternative to Cameron and Osborne.
So here are the policies. Click on the highlighted text to get the relevant article.
Britain’s biggest political failure. We all have a far poorer quality of life because housing costs are far too high. Driven by abject failure of the entire planning system. Help to Buy is silly, it makes the problem worse. For more in depth reading there is an earlier articleHERE.
15 reasons that HS2 is silly. Another policy failure. This white elephant vanity project is a stunning waste of our money. It has no redeeming merit whatsoever.
The NHS is ONLY safe with the Conservatives. Look at the facts and this is a self evident truth. Also: How we can halve what the NHS costs us.
British immigration can be brilliant. Just 5 years ago the politically correct lefties would have called me a racist for writing this. Now they just cannot dispute the facts.
The EU is utterly awful. The EU is amazingly good. A balanced overview of the facts can only come to one conclusion. Further reinforced with: A good example of why the EU will never work.
The under occupancy charge is brilliant. They should have called it the “Room Squatters’ Subsidy”. Opinion polls show that most people think that the Government policy is fair. Because it is.
Foodbanks explained. Never mind the leftie, bleeding heart, propaganda. What are these foodbanks really about?
Mrs Windsor abdication. Presidential election needed. In a democracy our royal family is an expensive anachronism. It will, inevitably, go. It is just a matter of when.
The Scottish problem is getting worse. The SNP lose a democratic referendum. So they seek to achieve their aims by other means, against the stated will of the people. Also: How Alex Salmond lies about Scottish finances.
Fracking is utterly brilliant. There are many compelling reasons why a dash for gas is amazingly good for Britain. On this, as on many other issues, the eco fascists want to cause us real harm. Their lies and propaganda are a disgrace.
Is Putin the worst thing to happen to Russia? This man should not be given a millimeter. He is a disaster for the West and an even bigger disaster for the Russian people.
Mansion Tax = pure, nasty envy. This is lefty class warfare at its worst. A tax that is designed to punish successful people and which will not raise money.
Productivity is King. This is the absolute most important factor to making UKplc an amazing success. Employers, government and trade unions should have it right at the top of their list of priorities.
George Osborne is soaking the rich. Far harder than Gordon Brown did. He needs to ease off. Also: Redistribution of wealth is wrong.
Why the British public sector is so execrably awful. More fundamental stuff here. Gordon Brown took the state up to 52% of GDP, Osborne is reducing it to 38%. It is a proven economic fact that the bigger the state sector the slower that economic growth is. So we should be trying to get the state down into the 20s%.
Why the CSA inquiry will not uncover the truth. Every previous inquiry into institutionalised establishment paedophilia has failed. This one will too. Too many people with vast power owe false and misplaced loyalty to each other.
About my social liberalism. A bundle of policies in one article! Prostitution, euthanasia, recreational drugs, and more.
MP salaries need to be doubled. Pay peanuts get monkeys. When people such as GPs and headmasters get paid so much more than MPs it is difficult to see why anyone of merit would want the job.
As you can see, all the above articles, taken together, comprise a manifesto for a much more successful and fairer country with a higher quality of life for everyone. All we need now is a political party to put them into action.

My website is being sabotaged

Copied from the Bruce Everiss political blog:

This website is being sabotaged

voltaire 512
This is not my first blog. Bruce on Games started in August 2007 and has had 1,879,220 user sessions, Bruce on Shaving started in July 2010 and has had 642,548 user sessions. Bruce on Politics is a little baby with just 84,497 user sessions thus far. I have written over 1,000 blog articles in total across all my blogs and they have averaged well over 2,000 readers each. So, with all modesty I can say that I am an experienced blogger. All this time Google Analytics has been used to keep an eye on traffic, so visitor behaviour is well understood. People have spent an average of 5 minutes 29 seconds reading the article Can Zionism be compared to Nazism, for instance.
Analytics has a real time capability. It is possible to see how many people are using a website right now and what they are doing. This is very interesting, but nothing to obsess over. Bruce on Politics being a little baby website tends to run in low single figures of visitors at any one time. Tweet a few links and this gets into the low teens. Create a bit of a fuss and the most that has been seen is 47 simultaneous users. Then I started writing about the evils of Zionism and one day the traffic collapsed. Flatlining a lot of the time and only getting into low single figures when a url  had been retweeted multiple times. This website is being very severely throttled.
Then I get Tweets like this from @meadstweet “Chapta text is missing, I can’t access the link – this happens a lot atm”. So the users are experiencing this throttling.
This website is hosted in a very good place, in the USA, with a good server and a huge amount of bandwidth. During the throttling they have reported no technical problems. None of my other websites hosted there are experiencing any problems. So the throttling is happening right on the internet backbone, they are hitting traffic from the whole world. This is not the work of a hacker, no matter how skilled, this is the work of a top level national security organisation. And which country would not like articles critical of Zionism?
Analytics allows the examination of individual countries. Towns and cities even. So lets have a look at Israel. Since Monday there have been just 72 sessions from there, a ridiculously low figure considering the article content I have posted. Then look at where these people are: Tel Aviv, where the Government offices are, 62 visitors, mostly with normal session lengths, then  Jerusalem 3, Haifa 2, the other cities just 1 each, with session lengths mostly of 0 seconds. So the people of Israel are being prevented from reading my blog and the Israeli Government are keeping a very close eye on it. I am flattered.
This is how Zionism works, they act to prevent people like you getting the truth. They censor everything critical of them at every opportunity. They control most of the world’s print and broadcast media so they can manipulate what the mainstream media tell you. Only the internet has the truth and they use their Hasbara propagandists to spread their lies there. Now we know that they use their security agencies to censor a website written by a British person and hosted in America. Think how much more of the internet they are censoring. What they are preventing you from seeing.
They are censoring this website over much of the Middle East. This is Lebanon:
Twitter censorship
It gets worse. The Israelis have close intelligence co-operation with British and USA agencies. So our governments know that this is going on. Also GCHQ and NSA can see it. Yet they do nothing. They should be working to protect free speech and to protect your rights, instead they are co-operating with the toxic, pariah Israeli state to mute what you are allowed to read. A very good insight how the governments that we vote for really work. Certainly not in your interests.
The answer to this is very simple. Please feel free to copy and use anything I have written on here. Stick it in places like Blogger, WordPress and Facebook. They cannot censor the whole internet. You can be Spartacus.

Bruce on Economics!

From the Bruce Everiss political blog:

Bruce on Economics!

Let’s start with a brilliant video featuring Arthur Laffer, one of the world’s very best Economists. Although it is about the USA, the lessons learned can be applied to any Economy. This should be compulsory viewing for every politician
I love Economics as a subject because it involves dealing with ideas (which is why socialists don’t understand it). Not with the mere celebrities and events that the hard of thinking obsess over. Understanding ideas such as marginal propensities, Austrian Business Cycle theory and libertarian anarchism is great fun. How Economics guides politicians has a profound effect on the quality of our lives and is of immense importance. It is beyond belief that anyone with a brain who has studied either Economics or history properly could ever even contemplate the evils of socialism.
Socialists Hayek 512
I have written many articles here containing Economics. Here are just a few of them. Click on the titles to go through to the actual articles to read them.

Why socialism is evil #5, they think they know better than the market

This is one of a series of seven articles that I wrote, explaining what socialism is really about, in 2011. It really exposes their complete lack of Economic understanding. Which is why they always trash the Economy.

Economist gets it badly wrong

Also from 2011, just as the UK was struggling with a trashed Economy, this explains why academic economist Mark Blyth was utterly wrong in his recipe for dealing with Gordon Brown’s mess. There is lots of Economic analysis and subsequent events have proven me to be completely correct.

Ed Balls doesn’t understand basic economics

Stating the obvious really. He still believes in a pre war economist called J M Keynes who was utterly discredited a very long time ago. But everyone forgot to tell Ed. Here is all the proof you need that he is utterly unfit to run our Economy.

Gini Coefficient is often silly

A technical one this. The left obsess about equality of outcome and redistribution, both of which are very bad ideas. They use this Gini Coefficient as a tool. I explain why it is a bad one.

Redistribution of wealth is wrong

The left confuse equality of opportunity (which is very good indeed) with opportunity of outcome (which is incredibly bad). They try to achieve the latter by rewarding failure and punishing success. With obvious results. This article explains their utter stupidity.

Hong Kong Vs Cuba. Capitalism Vs Socialism

This is the classic comparison, with all the facts, that utterly destroys socialism, by looking at the consequences.

A simple solution to many of our national problems

Another key article. This about UK land usage. Every politician should have this rammed down their throat. I wrote a second article explaining how this is our biggest political failure.

Another simple policy that would solve a lot of problems

Quite simply this replaces the welfare state with the market. Something that is very much to be desired. Everything that government does it does badly, so the less it does the better.

Britain is broke and it is getting worse. More cuts needed

Amazingly prescient from 2011. Almost as if Osborne read it and applied it. This explained our Economic situation and the only route out of it.

The banks are brilliant

The opposite to what the BBC, Guardian and Labour party tell you. (It is Gordon Brown who trashed the Economy). This is a brief look at the value that the banks bring to the UK.

Why the British public sector is so execrably awful

Analysis of what a public sector is for and how we ended up with such a bad one.

Productivity is King

Core Economic understanding here. Yet something that has completely bypassed the left. Every trade unionist should read this.

How to better manage the British economy

I quite like this, but I would, it is my idea. The idea is to make fiscal policy regional, conferring huge economic advantages.

George Osborne is soaking the rich

It is wrong that Osborne is doing this, morally and economically, but he has no option. He is doing the exact opposite to what the left say that he is doing.

Britain’s greatest ever Prime Minister

Many people today misunderstand Margaret Thatcher’s Economic achievements. She created an Economic philosophy that most of the world now follows, bringing immense benefits to billions.

Who on earth would ever vote Labour?

The abysmal Economic history of the Labour party in British politics. And the sort of people who vote for this.

The EU is utterly awful. The EU is amazingly good

The Economics of our EU membership. We should get out.
There is much more in the 230+ articles that are here, but this blog also addresses many other areas of the human condition. Often I feel that it is a pity that I can’t get all the Labour MPs to sit down and read all the articles above. There must be a few of them who can understand at least a few of the ideas.
Balls always wrong 512

Israel doesn’t like democracy

From the Bruce Everiss political blog:

Israel doesn’t like democracy

We live in interesting times. Democracy is breaking out where we never thought it could in a popular movement akin to the falling of the wall in Berlin. Amid much rejoicing from all reasonable people in the world the Israeli government has said that it isn’t happy. Even the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has spoken out. He says “What could develop and which has developed already in several countries, including Iran – repressive regimes of radical Islam”. When everyone can see that this is not what the Egyptians are trying to achieve.
The thing is that Israel is hardly democratic itself because of a deeply flawed electoral system. In fact the Israeli electoral system is probably the main obstacle to peace in the Middle East. Anyone who has been to Israel knows that the vast majority of the people there are fairly relaxed liberals, just like in the West, but with a small sprinkling of utter extremist religious nutters. Yet it is these nutters who hold all the power, the tail wags the dog.
Israel has the stupid proportional representation system, you vote for a political party, not for a candidate. Then each party has a list and as they get more votes so more people from their list get into the Knesset. But Israel has a very low threshold of just 2% of votes before a party’s candidates are successful. So it is very, very easy to set up a political party and get a candidate into the Knesset, which means that there are lots and lots of political parties. There is one for pensioners and one to legalise marijuana for instance.
Now all this would be faintly funny if it weren’t for the stupidities of religion and the extremist nutter Jewish religious parties that exist in Israel. Their views are so extreme that in Britain people espousing them would possibly end up in prison under our diversity laws. And when it comes to elections these nutters have a secret weapon, because in Israel election day is a national holiday. This means that all the normal, reasonable, liberal people go to the beach for the day and only vote if they get round to it. But the nutters get 100% turnout, as you would expect from extremist zealots. There are plenty of jokes about this in Israel along the lines of the nutters even getting their dead to vote.
So the combination of proportional representation and voting discipline guarantees that several of these nutters get elected in every election. Then comes the second stupidity of proportional representation, the need to form a coalition government. In Israel the successful candidates are so politically fragmented, from different parties, that this is close to impossible. Which means that the extremist nutters end up in virtually every government, even though they only have a few Knesset members. And in government they often end up in cabinet positions as their price for support.
This totally undemocratic system means that a very small sector of Israeli society wields enormous power. It is they that refuse to countenance any reasonable settlement with the Palestinians or with Israel’s neighbours. And this whole edifice is propped up by America, but that is a different story.
Isn’t it wonderfully ironic that Netanyahu is worrying about hypothetical Egyptian religious nutters when the biggest problem is his own real religious nutters?

How ignorant Americans are one of the biggest Middle East problems

From the Bruce Everiss politics blog:

How ignorant Americans are one of the biggest Middle East problems

Abuse from @destroyoislamo
Abuse from @destroyoislamo
In the USA there is a huge lobby of pro Israelis who have a massive influence on USA policy, especially it’s unequivocal, unconditional support of Israel, both financial and military. It is this policy that allows Israel to steal land and ethnically cleanse with total impunity. They can imprison 1.8 million people in a concentration camp and mass murder them any time they feel like it. They can deprive millions of people of their basic human rights. And American politicians say nothing.
If, at this point, you would really like to know some truths then I suggest that you watch these videos, mainly made by and featuring Jews. They really will open your eyes.
So what characterises these lobbyists:
  • They are mostly not Jewish.
  • They are very pro US military and are very gung ho.
  • By consuming propaganda they have de-humanised Palestinians and Arabs and no longer see them as human beings.
  • They are very poorly educated and cannot carry on a reasoned discussion.
  • They actually know very little about Israel and the Middle East.
  • They have never traveled abroad, except perhaps with the military. Certainly never to Israel.
  • They carry huge prejudices and bigotry.
  • They tend to be very religious. The sort of religion that denies evolution.
  • They have no understanding of what terrorism really is and use the word as a general insult.
  • Their first response is to personally attack anyone with opposing views.
  • They get their “education” from Fox News.
  • They are Republicans. Conservative Republicans.
  • They are a disgrace to America, to civilised people everywhere and to humanity.
If you want to see what these people are really like then go to their Twitter accounts. You will be appalled. Larry Putnam. Darknight. The Destroyer. Tyrone Biggums. Oaktree76. Cos… And very many more. Go to one account and you will find herds more retweeted. Much of what they Tweet would be illegal in Great Britain. Just pure race hate bile based on incredible ignorance.
I must say that I really like it when people in debate are abusive towards me. It shows that they have no real answer to my argument. That they have lost. And I have found that these bigots resort to abuse straight away when they come across views different to their own, as you can see above. All they are proving is that the USA education system has self evidently failed them. They actually don’t understand what they are saying, they are just repeating a mantra without knowing its meaning.
There are so many of these people, a significant proportion of the population, that America really does have a problem. Maybe the US military should send all their recruits on a PPE course!

There are some intelligent Jews

 From the Bruce Everiss political blog:

There are some intelligent Jews

We all know that Zionism is an evil political creed which is very similar to Nazism. At its centre is European colonialists travelling to Palestine to steal the land and ethnically cleanse it. But not all Jews are a party to these crimes against humanity. In fact some actively oppose it. Please feel free to use and distribute these. The world will be a better place if more people see them.
Israel Jew stands with Gaza 512
Israel jews-against-zionism 512
Israel real-jews denounce war crimes 512
Israelis burn flag 512
Israel. I am jewish. Stop killing palestinians. 512
Israel zionism-problem not Hamas 512
Israel. Zionism is the main cause of ant semitism. 512
Israel does not represent Jews 512
Israel end of zionism = peace 512
Israel zionists not jews 512
Israeli Jew with Palestine flag 512
Rally in London against Israeli attacks on Gaza
Israel is insane 512
Israeli self hating jew 512
Israel anti-zionist_jews 512

The true history of the country of Palestine

 From the Bruce Everiss political blog:

The true history of the country of Palestine

Dome of the Rock. Built in Jerusalem in 691AD
Dome of the Rock. Built in Jerusalem in 691AD
The state of Israel is built on lies. These lies are perpetrated by their political leaders, incorporated into their school textbooks and repeated millions of times on the social media by their Hasbara propagandists. Most Israeli citizens and most Zionists in countries like America have no idea what the truth is.
Hasbara propaganda lies
Hasbara propaganda lies

One of the biggest lies is that the state of Israel was built out of a scrap of desert with just a few primitive “Arabs” wandering around. So they perpetrate a lie that Palestine was the invention of Yasser Arafat and the Palestine Liberation Organisation. Yet the real truth is that Palestine has existed as a discrete country for well over 2,000 years and there is plenty of evidence to prove this.
Palestine name 500BC 512
Firstly let’s deal with the lie that Palestinians are Arabs. They aren’t. Anyone who has traveled in the Middle East can tell you that. The Palestinians are a separate and very obvious race. Modern genetic sequencing has proven this. There are traces of Arab in some Palestinians from interbreeding, but the indisputable evidence is that Palestinians and Jews are the same people. It looks like the Palestinians are the Jews that stayed behind after the Jewish Roman wars (66-135 AD) and who eventually converted to Islam. Whist the rest of the Jews were scattered around the Roman Empire to form the diaspora.
For much of its history the country of Palestine has been conquered and has been a country within a bigger empire. Just as, say, Wales, is part of Great Britain. So Wales has the same head of state, the same currency and the same laws as England. Thus the country of Palestine was forced to adopt what their invaders forced on them. So there is no long list of kings or any of the other trappings of state.
Some really good documentary evidence we have of the country of Palestine are letters written by  Zenon, the  business manager of a minister to Ptolemy II  around 285 to 246 BC. This is very inconvenient indeed for modern day Zionist propagandists and is something they try and suppress in sources like Wikipedia.
Zoom forwards 350 years or so and we have the first map of the country of Palestine, made by Ptolemy around the year 100AD. Here is his World map:
Ptolemy World Map 512

And here is a transcription of his map of Palestine:
Palestine map Ptolemy AD 100 512

For many hundreds of years the country of Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire, which ran from 1299 to 1923. But this did not stop maps being made of the country. Here is one from 1570:
Paqlestine map 1570 512
This one from 1574:
Palestine map 1574 512
This from 1612:
Palestine map 1612 512
From 1767:
Palestine map 1767 512
From 1876:
Palestine map 1876 512
And with a nice picture from 1889:
Palestine map 1889 512
It is not just maps, here is a book from 1755:
Palestine book 1755 512

Another part of the Zionist myth is that they arrived at empty desert. Here is a market in Jaffa in 1827:
Palestine Market, Jaffa 1827  512
The British Victorian painter David Roberts RA made an extensive tour of Palestine in the mid 1800s and produced many works showing what it was like, you can see some of them here.
In 1917 and 1918 Palestine was liberated from the Ottoman Empire by the British. The League of Nations then gave the British a Mandate (basically a management contract) over the country of Palestine in 1923. The newly liberated country celebrated by issuing its own money, its own passports and all the other documentation of a state. Even though ultimate authority lay with the British, so there was no Palestinian head of state.
Palestine mandate 512
Palestine coin 1933 512
Palestine money 512
Palestine passport. 512
Palestine Post newspaper 512
The next phase we all know. The Zionists arrived and engaged in terrorism on a huge scale. They massacred Palestinians on a regular basis and stole their land. The “lucky” Palestinians were ethnically cleansed, forced into exile and into concentration camps. The biggest disaster ever in the history of the Palestinian nation. It was utterly destroyed by the Zionists to create Israel:
Palestine map. Big
The world allowed this to happen because the Zionists control much of the world’s media and many Western governments. It is telling that many Western leaders couldn’t bring themselves to criticism the murder of over 500 Palestinian children in Gaza recently. It is only with the invention of the internet and social media that people can at long last see the truth.

Can Zionism be compared to Nazism?

From the Bruce Everiss political blog

Can Zionism be compared to Nazism?

Israel. Zionism = nazism 512
Increasingly, on the social media, the better informed  people are drawing analogies between Zionism and Nazis, between Hitler and Netanyahu, in what must be the biggest ongoing Godwin of all time. Also 43 Nazi genocide survivors and over 200 decendants have signed an open letter and taken an advert in the New York Times accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza. One Auschwitz survivor, Hajo Meyer, said “If we want to stay really human beings, we must get up and call the Zionists what they are: Nazi criminals” and that hate of the Jews by the Germans “was less deeply rooted than the hate of the Palestinians by the Israeli Jews” and “The brainwashing of the Jewish Israeli populations is going on for over sixty years. They cannot see a Palestinian as a human being”. This is deeply troubling, so before we go any further it is worth making a few very important points.
  • Zionism and Judaism are utterly, completely seperate things. Very many Jews are not Zionists. Very many Jews hate and abhor what the Zionists are doing in their name. Just as many Germans hated Nazism.
  • Criticising Zionism is not anti-Semitism. The Hasbara propagandists try all the time to make this false connection. Basically they are saying that if you criticise the actions of a political movement then you are a racist. Just one of their very many lies.
  • Israel’s current actions have created a huge wave of anti-Semitism worldwide, with some people seeking revenge. This is very wrong and not very clever. Racism against Jews is abhorrent. However boycotting Israeli goods to bring economic pressure on their government is an excellent idea.
Now we have have got that clear we should look at the various areas where comparisons can be drawn. But first remember the scale, Israel has just 8 million people and is just 8,000 square miles. Nazi Germany at its height contained hundreds of millions of people and encompassed a great deal of Europe.
  • Stealing land from other people. To the Nazis this was the policy of  Lebensraum, creating a 1,000 year Reich on land to the East.  As I have pointed out in an earlier article the Zionists have the concept of a greater Israel, this is realised by stealing land from the Palestinians. But they also steal from all Israel’s neighbours, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt. So now the state of Israel contains huge tracts of land that belonged to other countries, and within Israel we have gone from most land being Palestinian in 1946 to nearly all the land being Jewish now. Theft on an immense scale. Many Zionists take the Book of Genesis seriously when it says: “To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates”, a Greater Israel. We should be very worried about this. Some conspiracy theories think that ISIS is a Mossad creation to destroy national boundaries and governments, facilitating Zionist expansion.
  • Racial purity and superiority. This is the German “Master Race” or “Herrenvolk” philosophy that saw all other races as inferior or sub-human. The idea that they were Supermen or Übermensch was deeply rooted in German culture. Zionists in turn have the deeply rooted concept of chosenness, that they have been chosen, for a purpose, to have a covenant with God. And that everyone else hasn’t. Zionism is fundamentally racist, its basic tenent is that Israel is a homeland for the Jews, not for any lesser race. Jewish people in Israel are educated and brought up to believe that Palestinians are second class human beings. Yet with the wonders of modern genetics we now know that Jews and Palestinians are pretty much the same people! Just divided by their religion.
  • Ethnic cleansing and Eugenics. This was a core concept of Nazism, they sought to populate Europe with a racially pure master race. So they slaughtered 6 million Jews, 3 million Soviet POWs, 2 million Poles, and around quarter of a million each of Gypsies and disabled people. Starting in 1937 the Zionist Irgun terrorists had a policy of massacring Palestinians and they carried out many such acts. They stopped for WW2 and then between 1945 and 1948 they carried out a lot more. No wonder the neighbouring Arab states tried to put a stop to this when Israel was made independent in 1948. After winning this war the Israelis ethnically cleansed 700,000 Palestinians, mostly by clearing them off the land, but there were many massacres. Now they have forced most Palestinans into two small areas, Gaza and the West Bank, but they continue to nibble land from these and to run a continuous policy of brutal suppression. Over the last 14 years the Israelis have killed an average of one Palestinian child every four days. In 2013 it was revealed that the Israeli government was running a secret programme to inject birth control into black Jews from Ethiopia, vastly reducing their birth rate. Eugenics in the modern age. But the foundation of the state of Israel was based on Eugenic thinking.
  • Abusing democracy. Hitler never won a majority. He became Chancellor of a coalition government after running a low level civil war. He then seized dictatorship power on the pretext of the Reichstag fire. In the last Israeli election Likud got only 23% of the vote. So Netanyau formed a coalition including The Jewish home Party who believe that Jews are divinely commanded to retain control over Israel and who are big promoters of the settler movement, which steals Palestinian land. Israel is hardly democratic, with the tail wagging the dog. But then there is the large scale gerrymandering. Of the state of Israel’s 8 million population 6 million are Jews and 1.6 million are called “Arabs”. But there are over 4 million Palestinians ethnically cleansed into the West Bank and Gaza with no vote in Israeli elections. So Israel is a very long way from being a representative democracy.
  • Use of Concentration camps. “A place which a government uses to keep people who are either against that government or who it thinks are too dangerous to remain free. Sometimes these are called internment camps, where a large number of people are put in prison without a trial”. The USA used these to suppress the Native Indian tribes. The British used them in South Africa as a tool to win the Boer War. Then Hitler used them in Germany to take his opponents out of circulation, 3.5 million Germans spent time in one of these camps. The Germans also had death or extermination camps for the industrialised implementation of the Holocaust. There is no doubt that Gaza is a concentration camp (some might say that it is now a death camp), the biggest ever in history with 1.8 million inmates, it fits the definition perfectly. These people are deprived of their basic human rights, they cannot leave the place. All Hamas want is to restore these rights.
  • Use of lies and propaganda. This is a subtle craft. It involves crafting everything you say in order to manipulate the thoughts and ideas of hundreds of millions of people, so that what they end up believing is not the truth. Under Dr. Joseph Goebbels and Germany’s Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda this was developed into a subtle and all pervasive art. Israel have learned from this and you really cannot believe a single word their Government or the IDF say. For instance they knew that shelling Gaza would cause a lot of civilian casualties, so they lied and said that Hamas was using human shields, thus transferring the blame for deaths to Hamas. In fact it is the IDF that has consistently used Human Shields for many years. Another time they broke a ceasefire to try and kill a Hamas leader, Mohammed Deif, at home, they destroyed his home, killing his wife and children (but not him), and they lied that it was Hamas that broke the ceasefire. The IDF repeatedly talk about the precision of their strikes. But look at the photographs of the destruction. The fact is that Israel doesn’t have the aircraft or the money to use F16s and JDAMs except for a relatively small number of targets. The vast majority of the attack is with old fashioned artillery, which isn’t a precision weapon, to flatten whole districts. And so it goes on, a barrage of lies, even Haaretz, an Israeli newspaper, has written about this. What makes it worse is that most of the World’s media report these lies as news. In the USA the Fox News channel further embroiders them so that tens of millions of Americans have an utterly false idea of what is happening in Israel, their heads are full of lies. To further compound matters there is Hasbara, volunteer Zionists all over the world, thousands of them. They use a provided script to distribute the Zionist lies all over the social media. In comparison Hamas has nothing. There are a few people inside Gaza Tweeting events, but sometimes they have no electrical power or the internet is cut off. So the truth hardly gets out.
  • Collective punishment. Firstly it is important to note that this is illegal under the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949. Nazis did it a lot. For every German killed by a Pole 100 to 400 Poles were shot. In France they burned down the village of  Maillé and killed 124 inhabitants, 48 of whom were children, in reprisal for resistance activity. The IDF, as we are seeing, acts in exactly the same way. In less volatile times they still do it. If a child is caught throwing stones they bulldoze the family home. Thousands of homes have been destroyed for this and similar reasons. IDF actually has a formal strategy for collective punishment, called the Dahiya Doctrine, which they follow. Deliberately killing children and medical workers, destroying water and electric power distribution, bombing places of work and hospitals. All this is planned and part of policy.
  • Militarisation of the State. In Germany there was a huge limitation, imposed by the Versailles Treaty, on what equipment their military could have and how big their armed forces could be. Once Hitler got these out of the way he fashioned a society built round the military, from the Hitler Youth through to the grand military uniforms many people wore the idea was to invoke a warrior state. They turned an Olympic Games into a military ceremony. Today Israel is ranked as the most militarised nation in the world. There is no real need for this, they are very many times more powerful than all their neighbours put together. It is largely paid for by American taxpayers and donors. When you visit Israel soldiers are everywhere because nearly everyone is conscripted. And when they leave the military they remain in the reserves, in a high state of readiness. Militarisation is built into the everyday life of every Israeli in an all pervading manner that would be unthinkable anywhere else on earth. It is truly disturbing to see a society based on this, where the IDF has immense power over everyone’s lives.
There is far more, in fact there is easily a book or two in this. The article above contains many links that provide evidence and background reading. Please click through these if you want to build a broader picture for yourself. You can build your own ideas of how similar Nazism and Zionism are, but the facts above seem very compelling. Also remember that Zionism is not Judaisim and that anti-Semitism is always utterly unacceptable It is bad enough for our planet that Zionism is so shamefully racist against Palestinians. They seem to have no moral compass.


For a reasonably balanced view of events Read Haaretz.
To know what is really happening in Gaza follow this link.

Excellent video. A Jew explains the truth.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Palestine. Israel. Gaza. A complete education

Palestine. Israel. Gaza. A complete education

Israel anti-zionist_jews 512
Modern Israel was a present from the British Government to European Jewry in thanks for their help in bankrolling WW1. As is obvious from the Balfour Declaration of 1917:
Foreign Office
November 2nd, 1917
Dear Lord Rothschild,
I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty’s Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.
“His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it beingclearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”
I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.
Yours sincerely,
Arthur James Balfour
As we know the British honoured their side of the agreement and the Zionists didn’t. As soon as they arrived in Palestine they started terrorism against the indigenous population and against the British. To the level of ethnic cleansing. This has continued to the present day. So Zionist are European colonialists who steal land and commit genocide against all other races. Israel provokes conflict as a tactic to steal land and to ethnically cleanse. They have stolen land from all their neighbours, not just from Palestine. The two big episodes of land theft/ethnic cleansing were in 1948 and 1967. But it is a continuous process, as we see today.
I have written articles that are supported by fact. They usually tell a different story to the lies of the Zionist mass media. But if you engage your intellect and use Google you will rapidly see that what I say is the truth.
Let’s look at some of the articles on this blog (13 articles, click the headlines to see them in new windows):

Israel doesn’t like democracy

This article explains the structural problem in the way that Israel is run so that religious extremists always have control. This makes a civilised non bigoted state impossible. Continuous terrorism against others is an inevitable part of the Israeli government.

Why is Israel attacking Gaza?

This is well worth a read because the answer is not what you think it is.

Zionism is a problem for all of us

An article that gets to the root of why we have the Israel terrorist state in the Middle East, causing massive problems for humanity.

Can Zionism be compared to Nazism?

Zionism and Nazism came from the same historical and philosophical background. What they do as political movement is startlingly similar. They are both very bad news indeed for other people.

Digging through all the lies in Israel

The huge powerful propaganda and lie machine by which Israel brainwashes its own population and also that of America. Europeans have seen it all before with Nazism, so are a bit more sceptical. It is amazing that otherwise well educated people believe the lies of Zionism.

The true history of the country of Palestine

Intellectually curious Israelis will read this and the evidence it presents and they will have the scales removed from their eyes. The Israeli state dehumanises Palestinians to justify barbaric behaviour against them. Part of this process is to deny their national existence. The Zionist have created a mountain of lies about Palestine in their attempt to re-write history. Educated people are not fooled.

What is happening in the Middle East

The whole region is a nasty neighbourhood, largely due to the actions of Israel and of America acting on Israel’s behalf. This article paints a broader, contextual view.

Zionism = Nazism, internet memes

Zionists control most of the World’s print and broadcast media. So they are able to brainwash globally. However with social media they have lost control and their true identity as a toxic, pariah state is clear for all to see. These memes are part of social media’s mechanic for conveying their utter repulsion for Zionism.

Open your eyes to Israel with these videos

Not all Jews are brainwashed Zionist trolls. Some are decent, intelligent human beings. And some of these Jews have made these videos. They are essential viewing for anyone who wants to understand the truth about Israel. Anyone with an open mind will see the horrors of Zionism revealed and their inhuman behaviour exposed. Every school child in Israel should watch these. It would make the world a better place. Every American red neck conservative should watch them also. But mostly these people are beyond redemption.

Is the Talmud the most evil book on earth?

The Talmud is a book, it is the “intellectual” basis for Zionism and it is an evil promotion of man’s inhumanity to man on the basis of race. This book is at the core of many of the world’s problems.

How ignorant Americans are one of the biggest Middle East problems

The Zionist genocide of Palestinians is paid for by American taxpayers. So that they are happy to do this they have been massively brainwashed by the Zionist press. Which means that they are incredibly ignorant about the truth of Israel. Yet they have been fed so much propaganda that they are deluded into thinking the opposite.

Israel’s “moral army” at work

Israeli propaganda calls the IDF a “moral army”. The exact opposite is true, they commit atrocities on an industrial scale and are just as bad as ISIS or any other extremist Islamic force. With the advent of camera phones these atrocities are increasingly being caught on video. YouTube has thousands of them. Here are just a few.

There are some intelligent Jews

Very many Jews are opposed to what Zionism is doing in their name. Either for religious or for moral reasons. Increasingly they protest to get their viewpoint over. One huge motivating factor is the huge rise in anti-Semitism globally that has been caused by the actions of Zionists.
All the knowledge and truth above may motivate you to want to tell others. If so feel free to copy and use any of it. I am very happy for anyone to take and use my content so as to open the eyes of the world. An occasional credit would be nice, but not essential!